The Roxbury Woman’s Club is a nonpartisan, non-denominational, non-profit, philanthropic organization. Members’ support has extended to areas of health, youth services, family welfare, gerontology, education, community improvement, conservation, the arts and international affairs. Objectives are charitable as defined by Section 501(c) 3 of the Internal Revenue Code. Membership is open to women from Roxbury Township, as well as many surrounding towns, including Mt. Arlington, Netcong, Mine Hill, Mendham, Chester and Randolph.
Regular meetings are held the fourth Tuesday of the month at 7:30 p.m. at the Roxbury Senior Center and frequently feature a guest speaker. This meeting is open to the public. For more information on upcoming events, please read our Highlights, view our events page, Email roxburywomansclub@gmail.com or follow us on our Facebook page.
A group of 61 Roxbury women organized the Roxbury Woman’s Club in July 1959. Their purpose was to give service to their community through volunteering personal time and raising funds for donations to local and national organizations. Our Club’s charter members had long seen a need for a local library. The club's first Community Improvement Program (CIP) was the establishment of the Roxbury Public Library. It was far from an easy task, but in 1960, one year and two weeks after our club sponsored the library, it was staffed by volunteers and was opened to the public for daily use.
For this outstanding effort, our Club was awarded first place in the NJ Community Achievement Contest. And yes, we assisted the library in celebrating their 60th Anniversary on May 6, 2020!
Continuing to take a leadership role, our club established the Roxbury Blood Bank (we still hold a Blood Drive each year with the NJ Blood Center), Roxbury Art Association, the Roxbury Senior Citizens' Club, and Friends of the Library. Our club was also instrumental in the creation of a Day Care Center and the refurbishing of the library's "Queen Anne Cottage Gazebo’ that is in the front of the library, including providing funds for the flagpole.
Cooperating with other local organizations, we helped to organize the Dialysis Center (the first in this area); the establishment of the Glass Recycling Program; our Town's Recreation Department; and the Vial of Life Program (for senior's and those chronically ill).
The Roxbury Woman's Club is a nonpartisan, non-denominational, non-profit, philanthropic organization.

2024-2026 Officers
President: Judy Molnar
1st Vice Presidents: Judi Indiveri & Laurie Satmaria
2nd Vice President: Heather Champagne
Third Vice President: Katie McDonnell
Corresponding Secretary: Pat Lawrence
Recording Secretary: Debbie Hansen
Treasurer: Shirley Reinhardt
Federation Secretary: Mary Byank
60th Anniversary Celebration
In October 2019, the Roxbury Woman’s Club celebrated six decades of existence, gathering in Succasunna for a birthday party that included plenty of food, memories and camaraderie.
The club was hailed by Roxbury Mayor Bob DeFillippo and Morris County Freeholders Kathy DeFillippo and Heather Darling. Both the freeholder board and the Roxbury Mayor and Council crafted resolutions honoring the club and these were presented at the party.